How To Cripple Low-Ball Amazon Sellers & Reclaim Your Market |Part 1

5 min readJan 2, 2021

This four-part guide is NOT politically correct.

Then again, since when has anything to do with the apocalypse ever polite?

Seeing as the subject here is the Amazon Apocalypse, which will put a nasty end to the efforts of many hard-working sellers.

Let’s not lie to each other — the Amazon market is filling up faster and faster and many who make up this population have no place on the platform.

Many categories are flat-out over-crowded.

Right now, you face two threats that can make you a victim of the coming Amazon Apocalypse.

Threat #1: Higher service charges.

As time carries on, Amazon raises the amount of money it charges FBA sellers to pick-and-pack, store and sell their items. That’s the first impact on your margins.

Threat #2: The low-baller.

I absolutely, utterly, despise low-ball sellers.

They’re a truly repugnant breed…and now, but don’t let them get you down — you’re about to find out how to eradicate them once and for all.

Low-ballers live an existence devoid of vision, acumen and as an end-result, fulfillment.

They live only for the day, which in this modern age, is a very bad way of doing business.

Living for the day in the marketplace can’t even be called a business — what we should be calling it is living by the seat of your pants and allowing fate call the shots.

It is the low-ballers who’ll make the Amazon Apocalypse every bit as brutal as it sounds.

You see, Amazon’s service fees can be overcome with proper pricing, but if you have a little weasel selling far below market value, you’re screwed.

Want to hear something funny?

Some of these low-ballers could never imagine a life of smoking, heavy drinking or eating a tub of ice cream every single day.

To indulge in such behavior would seriously impact their chance at a viable future.

So then…why would they ever insist on hobbling their futures by grabbing only enough of the cheese to get by until the next sunrise?

They are controlled by their lizard brains — the primordial part of our grey matter that governs over our moods, addictions and emotions.

What this means is there’s little room for logical and impartial approaches to situations that real entrepreneurs approach with tactics and strategies.

Whatever the problem happens to be with these low-ballers…they are shamelessly making it our problem, too.

By saying ‘our’, I’m defining you and I as entrepreneurs who have a firm and very logical understanding of the ways in which the Amazon markets (and most markets for that matter) work and how our performances in these markets affect our personal economies.

The low-baller has no idea that in racing to the bottom of the profit margin with all the other low-ballers, they are not only driving themselves out of business, they are affecting you too.

Consider this series not just your aid in combating the low-baller, but your building block for making your personal corner of the Amazon market as low-ball proof as you can make it.

You’ll be shown common-sense practices that will put you leagues ahead of the common low-baller.

Look, you have a mortgage or rent to pay.

You’ve also got to cover your food, heating, internet/phone, gas and electricity bills.

The last thing you need is to spend your days stressing out over whether or not you’ll be able to meet these obligations.

The strategies in this series will erase that stress, by way of setting up simple systems that take little effort and become as habitual as brushing your teeth.

“I’m only as successful as my dumbest competitor allows me to be.”

I’m no longer sure where I first heard that quote, but if you’ve ever felt this to be your situation, things are about to change.

Before we get started, I just want to assure you that nothing in this series violates Amazon’s terms of service, nor is any of the methodology illegal.

But that doesn’t mean it’s not heavy-handed.

Some people will consider this content to be extreme, and if you’re light-hearted, this series will not work for you, so you might as well skip it and simply hope for the best.

If for some reason, you’re a low-baller and decided to check out this series anyway, I recommend you read on.

For all I know, you might just not know any better and have it in you to change. If this guide helps you accomplish as much, then welcome aboard.

Now let’s cripple us some low-ballers!

Cut Off The Source

I’ve encountered many sellers on Amazon who need to sell everything they buy before the credit card bill arrives each month.

Sooner or later, their bad business practices catch up with them.

They’ll either run out of stock or run out of money.

By understanding their situation, you can accelerate the rate at which they hemorrhage money and their flame-out from the game.

Essential Steps:

1) Your first point of action is to list the main low-ballers who are diminishing your markets.

2) Make it a daily habit to scan their storefronts and analyzing the following data:

· Price — are they continuing to drop their price?

· Quantity — If they don’t have the Buy Box, you can’t tell how much stock they have of a given item, UNLESS you go to their storefront.

· Exclusivity — Are there any popular items they somehow managed to secure all for themselves?

Part of the low-baller mentality is much like that of a compulsive degenerte gambler — they can only see the money that’s coming in.

They can’t perceive the amount of money that’s going out — that’s your job and by monitoring their inventory, you’ll soon be able to determine how much stock they have and their profit margin, using the FBA Calculator Tool.

I recommend you click on the link and open the tool as we’re about to run you through an example of how to use the data listed to craft an attack strategy.

For the first example, we’re going to take a look at a popular chocolate bar that comes in a four-pack and usually sells for between $12.99 to $14.99.

I was a seller of this item, and then along came a couple of low-ballers who drove the price down.

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